Ben - 10/18/2011 10:31:00 pm
OverviewUnfortunately, whilst the herd is growing exponentially, there are still a few stragglers on the internet.
These stragglers will insist upon using archaic words like "everyone," and refuse to update their vocabularies. Combined with the internet's intrinsic lack of grammar, this can become quite irritating.
But fear not, for at last there is a solution! Ponify is a tool for converting everypony on the internet into a brony. With it you can enhance your internet experience, and say goodbye to all of that outdated language.
Ponify is a browser extension which uses intelligent adaptive case technologies to replace non-pony related words with ones that are pony-related. For example, words like "Everyone" will be replaced with "Everypony".
Ponify includes an extensive list of over 60 words by default. It is fully configurable and allows you to add and remove words from the list, as well as specify precisely which websites you want to be Ponified and which ones you don't.
Ponify Introductory VideoHere is a short introductory video to Ponify. It demos some of Ponify's many features and shows you how to use Ponify with Firefox and Chrome/Chromium. For instructions on how to use and configure Ponify with Opera and Safari, there is a second video available here: Link
Download Links
AvailabilityPonify is available for several major web browsers. There are browser extensions for Firefox and Google Chrome/Chromium. There is also a userscript available which can be used with many different browsers. Detailed installation instructions can be found below.
FeaturesPonify has a range of features designed to make your ponified experience as smooth as possible, and as customisable as possible. You can specify which words are ponified and how they are ponified, you can also specify which websites will be ponified and which ones won't. Below is a list of just some of the features available.
Installation for FirefoxFirefox users can use the Ponify Firefox Add-on which is available here: Download Link
Chrome/ChromiumUsers of Google Chrome or Chromium can get the Ponify Chrome Extension from here: Download Link
OperaFor Opera users it's a little more complicated. I currently don't have plans to make a dedicated add-on for Opera, however if you still want to use Ponify then there is a userscript which can be installed by following these instructions. If you would rather watch a step-by-step tutorial, then you can watch the second Ponify introductory video (Link) and skip to the part where I demonstrate how to install it with Opera.
1) Download the user script from here: Download Link
2) Once you have downloaded the script, save it in a folder of your choice. The best bet is to put it somewhere where you won't accidentally delete it. If you have installed userscripts with Opera in the past, then you can simply put the script in the same folder as your other scripts and need not follow the rest of these steps.
3) The next step is to tell Opera where to find the script. To do this, open Opera and click on the main menu button, move down to settings and then click on preferences. Once the preferences window has appeared, click on the "Advanced" tab and then select "content" in the left pane. Once you have done this, click the "JavaScript Options" button on the right. This should open up another window. At the bottom of this window there should be a button which says "choose." Click it and then select the folder where you placed the script in step 2. Once you have done this, you can select "ok" on all open windows and Ponify should be installed.
For advanced information on how to configure the user script, please look at the "advanced documentation" section below. Note: It is not necessary to make any changes to the script, it should work as it is. However if you want to add or remove words from the list of replacements, or enable features such as highlighting, then configuration is necessary.
Installation for SafariThere is also no dedicated browser extension available for safari, and safari doesn't support userscripts natively. However, there is an extension for safari called NinjaKit. It's similar to Greasemonkey for Firefox, and allows you to use userscripts. You can download NinjaKit here: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/os0x/20100612/1276330696
Once you have downloaded and installed it, installing Ponify is a simple as clicking the following Link, and choosing "Install" when prompted. Download Link
Advanced DocumentationIf you have no prior experience with computer languages, then this section might be quite difficult to follow. It is recommended that you only use the userscript if there is no Add-on available for your browser. Should you be willing to tackle the task of configuring the user script then the following mini-tutorial should cover all of the basics. If you would rather watch a step-by-step video guide then I have also provided a brief tutorial in the second Ponify introductory video which can be viewed here: Link.
The user script defines several variables which determine the operation of Ponify. There are two arrays which contain a list of words and websites respectively. The former determines which words are ponified and the later determines which websites are ponified. In the case of the latter, there is also a variable which specifies how the list should be interpreted, whether it is a "blacklist" or a "whitelist." There is also a variable for both the highlighting mode and whether or not pseudo threading is enabled.
The first step is to open the user script in your favourite text editor. If you are using windows then I would recommend Notepad++. If you do not wish to download new software then Wordpad should be sufficient.
Firstly we will deal with the structure of the arrays for replacement words and websites, once you know the basics, the rest should fall into place. If you scroll down the file then you will say a large list of words and replacements which look something like and extended version of the following:
The website list is very similar in structure, but may be confusing at first sight since it is empty. By default, all websites are Ponified, but you may decide that there are some places that you don't want to be ponified such as Google Docs or another website where ponification might be distracting. Before adding websites to the list, you should first decide how you want the list to behave. There are two options, either every website that you put in the list WILL be ponified (whitelist), or every website that you put in the list WILL NOT be ponified (blacklist). If there are only a few websites which you want to be ponified, and all others to be ignored, then you should go for a white list. However, most people will probably want a blacklist.
You can set the type of list by modifying the variable "wlist_type" and changing it to either 1 or 0. "0" is a blacklist and "1" is a whitelist. eg.
The final variable left to configure is that which specifies whether pseudo threading is enabled. With most modern computers, this should not be necessary, however if you are experiencing a noticeable change in performance when using ponify then enabling this may help to solve the problem. Essentially, what it does is break up the task of ponifying a website into small chunks which are then processed one at a time. This prevents Ponify from locking up the browser if it is taking a long time to finish ponifying a page. Set the variable to either 1 or 0 respectively to enable or disable pseudo threading.
These stragglers will insist upon using archaic words like "everyone," and refuse to update their vocabularies. Combined with the internet's intrinsic lack of grammar, this can become quite irritating.
But fear not, for at last there is a solution! Ponify is a tool for converting everypony on the internet into a brony. With it you can enhance your internet experience, and say goodbye to all of that outdated language.
Ponify is a browser extension which uses intelligent adaptive case technologies to replace non-pony related words with ones that are pony-related. For example, words like "Everyone" will be replaced with "Everypony".
Ponify includes an extensive list of over 60 words by default. It is fully configurable and allows you to add and remove words from the list, as well as specify precisely which websites you want to be Ponified and which ones you don't.
Ponify Introductory VideoHere is a short introductory video to Ponify. It demos some of Ponify's many features and shows you how to use Ponify with Firefox and Chrome/Chromium. For instructions on how to use and configure Ponify with Opera and Safari, there is a second video available here: Link
Download Links
Firefox: | Download Link |
Chrome: | Download Link |
Opera: | Download Link |
General Userscript: | Download Link |
AvailabilityPonify is available for several major web browsers. There are browser extensions for Firefox and Google Chrome/Chromium. There is also a userscript available which can be used with many different browsers. Detailed installation instructions can be found below.
FeaturesPonify has a range of features designed to make your ponified experience as smooth as possible, and as customisable as possible. You can specify which words are ponified and how they are ponified, you can also specify which websites will be ponified and which ones won't. Below is a list of just some of the features available.
- Customisable Word List
- Customisable Website List
- Blacklist or Whitelist Websites
- Highlight Words that are Ponified
- Custom Highlighting colours
- Display tooltips with ponified words
- Intelligent Adaptive Case replacements
Installation for FirefoxFirefox users can use the Ponify Firefox Add-on which is available here: Download Link
Chrome/ChromiumUsers of Google Chrome or Chromium can get the Ponify Chrome Extension from here: Download Link
OperaFor Opera users it's a little more complicated. I currently don't have plans to make a dedicated add-on for Opera, however if you still want to use Ponify then there is a userscript which can be installed by following these instructions. If you would rather watch a step-by-step tutorial, then you can watch the second Ponify introductory video (Link) and skip to the part where I demonstrate how to install it with Opera.
1) Download the user script from here: Download Link
2) Once you have downloaded the script, save it in a folder of your choice. The best bet is to put it somewhere where you won't accidentally delete it. If you have installed userscripts with Opera in the past, then you can simply put the script in the same folder as your other scripts and need not follow the rest of these steps.
3) The next step is to tell Opera where to find the script. To do this, open Opera and click on the main menu button, move down to settings and then click on preferences. Once the preferences window has appeared, click on the "Advanced" tab and then select "content" in the left pane. Once you have done this, click the "JavaScript Options" button on the right. This should open up another window. At the bottom of this window there should be a button which says "choose." Click it and then select the folder where you placed the script in step 2. Once you have done this, you can select "ok" on all open windows and Ponify should be installed.
For advanced information on how to configure the user script, please look at the "advanced documentation" section below. Note: It is not necessary to make any changes to the script, it should work as it is. However if you want to add or remove words from the list of replacements, or enable features such as highlighting, then configuration is necessary.
Installation for SafariThere is also no dedicated browser extension available for safari, and safari doesn't support userscripts natively. However, there is an extension for safari called NinjaKit. It's similar to Greasemonkey for Firefox, and allows you to use userscripts. You can download NinjaKit here: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/os0x/20100612/1276330696
Once you have downloaded and installed it, installing Ponify is a simple as clicking the following Link, and choosing "Install" when prompted. Download Link
Advanced DocumentationIf you have no prior experience with computer languages, then this section might be quite difficult to follow. It is recommended that you only use the userscript if there is no Add-on available for your browser. Should you be willing to tackle the task of configuring the user script then the following mini-tutorial should cover all of the basics. If you would rather watch a step-by-step video guide then I have also provided a brief tutorial in the second Ponify introductory video which can be viewed here: Link.
The user script defines several variables which determine the operation of Ponify. There are two arrays which contain a list of words and websites respectively. The former determines which words are ponified and the later determines which websites are ponified. In the case of the latter, there is also a variable which specifies how the list should be interpreted, whether it is a "blacklist" or a "whitelist." There is also a variable for both the highlighting mode and whether or not pseudo threading is enabled.
The first step is to open the user script in your favourite text editor. If you are using windows then I would recommend Notepad++. If you do not wish to download new software then Wordpad should be sufficient.
Firstly we will deal with the structure of the arrays for replacement words and websites, once you know the basics, the rest should fall into place. If you scroll down the file then you will say a large list of words and replacements which look something like and extended version of the following:
Ponify.replace = [ ["someone", "somepony"], ["hand", "hoof"] ];Adding a new word is as simple as duplicating one of the other replacements and changing the words. For example, say I wanted to add the word "human" to the list, I would end up with the following:
Ponify.replace = [ ["human", "pony"], ["someone", "somepony"], ["hand", "hoof"] ];Every entry in the array MUST be followed by a comma (,) except for the last one. Removing a word is as simple as deleting it. The order in which the words are listed has no effect on the operation of Ponify.
The website list is very similar in structure, but may be confusing at first sight since it is empty. By default, all websites are Ponified, but you may decide that there are some places that you don't want to be ponified such as Google Docs or another website where ponification might be distracting. Before adding websites to the list, you should first decide how you want the list to behave. There are two options, either every website that you put in the list WILL be ponified (whitelist), or every website that you put in the list WILL NOT be ponified (blacklist). If there are only a few websites which you want to be ponified, and all others to be ignored, then you should go for a white list. However, most people will probably want a blacklist.
You can set the type of list by modifying the variable "wlist_type" and changing it to either 1 or 0. "0" is a blacklist and "1" is a whitelist. eg.
Ponify.wlist_type = 1;After having selected the list type, you can now add websites to the list. Here is an example of the structure of the array, you can follow the same basics steps and rules that were specified in the replacement section above.
Ponify.websites = [ ["docs.google.com"], ["youtube.com"], ["www2.someotherdomain.org/somepage.htm"] ];The next step is to configure highlighting and tooltips. Highlighting and tooltips are all managed by one variable. There are four Highlighting modes: 0: No Highlighting, 1: Highlighting and Tooltips, 2: Tooltips Only, 3: Highlighting only. The second part of the highlighting variable contains the colour which text will be highlighted in. Here are a few examples and descriptions of what effect they would have.
Ponify.highlight = [1, "#777777'];The above would enable both highlighting and tooltips and highlight all ponified text with a grey colour.
Ponify.highlight = [3, "#FF0000'];The above would have only highlighting enabled and would highlight any ponified text in red.
The final variable left to configure is that which specifies whether pseudo threading is enabled. With most modern computers, this should not be necessary, however if you are experiencing a noticeable change in performance when using ponify then enabling this may help to solve the problem. Essentially, what it does is break up the task of ponifying a website into small chunks which are then processed one at a time. This prevents Ponify from locking up the browser if it is taking a long time to finish ponifying a page. Set the variable to either 1 or 0 respectively to enable or disable pseudo threading.
Ponify.pseudo_threading = 0;This concludes the advanced documentation, if you have made it this far, then congratulations! If you have any suggestions, questions or comments, then please, do not hesitate to email me. You can find my email address on the contact page. If you make any changes to Ponify which significantly improve its performance or level of functionality, please consider emailing me your changed version so that I can continue to make Ponify even better for everypony! Add-on, Blog, Chrome, Extension, Firefox, Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony, Ponify, Projects
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Add-on, Blog, Chrome, Extension, Firefox, First Post, Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony, Ponify, Projects
www.facebook.com/ponylingo 24 October 2011 at 07:03
thought you may want to know this, but the default settings don't have the plural "women," "boys" or "girls" listed. It was easy to add at least, I'm only pointing out because it becomes glaringly obvious and curious when "men" alongside "man" was remembered, but not for women and the plurals of adolescents.
Thank you for your time in making this! Have a great day/afternoon/evening. 24 October 2011 at 14:12
...if it worked on the newest version of Firefox. Tempting to download an older version or Chrome just for this, but... 24 October 2011 at 17:23
Brilliant actual implication though, I love it. Especially the fact that I can disable entire domains or just individual sites. 25 October 2011 at 08:55
I can see that one may wish to keep the addon's list family-friendly and thus may wish to keep certain words out of it, but it may be preferable to make the entire Internet family-friendly instead. 26 October 2011 at 01:21
For example, I have the addon configured to replace "human" with "equine" (this works well with phrases like "only human"). If the phrase "a human" is detected, the word "human" will become "equine"; this is the current behaviour. Given article correction, the first letter of "equine" would then be checked, and found to be a vowel, thus "a" would be changed to "an" to produce "an equine".
Rather than checking the first letter, one could alternatively have an "a/an" selection attached to each replacement in the list, if this is preferable. This could also allow for words that only ever appear with the definite article ("the") or without articles. 26 October 2011 at 06:17
I considered adding a rule which prevented it from ponifying the div, but eventually decided against it, since it doesn't actually affect what you are googling.
Since you've brought it up, I'll think about possible ways to prevent this for future versions :) 26 October 2011 at 13:19
If you can send me more information about what other add-ons you have installed which might be conflicting, I can do some tests and try to work out what the problem is.
Thanks for the comment, and sorry for the inconvenience. 26 October 2011 at 13:26
it says "Location: bena.mooo.com/download.php
Access has been blocked as the threat Mal/HTMLGen-A has been found on this website."
anyways i just want to know how to disable sopos because i cant seem to find how anywhere on the internet "\ 4 November 2011 at 15:50
Why nopony else thought of this before is beyond me.
/hroboof 7 November 2011 at 03:56
baby -> weanling
bastard -> mule
bitch -> hinny
young adult(s) -> young pony(ies)
below the belt -> behind the bit
bigfoot -> bighoof
bro -> brony
brah -> brahny
car -> wagon (Season 2 episode 5 01:55)
eat -> graze on
eating -> grazing on
ebay -> enay (from hub promo)
facebook -> ponybook (from hub promo)
footprint(s) -> hoofprint(s)
fucker(s) -> bucker(s)
go to hell -> get banished to the moon
in the flesh -> in the flank
kid(s) -> yearling(s)
okie-dokie (and variants) -> okie-dokie-loki
pony fag/ponyfag -> [hater detected! arm friendship beam!]
pussy(ies) -> gelding(s)
shit -> manure
the elderly -> elder ponies
yahoo -> yahoof (hub promo)
4chan -> 4hoof (hub promo)
The following suggestions are a little controversial. No offense is intended:
christ/jesus -> star swirl the bearded
god -> celestia
satan -> discord
nigga -> zebro 7 November 2011 at 20:51
French -> Fancy
Viagra -> Heart’s Desire (possibly) 12 November 2011 at 15:53
My stupid Apple [acres] laptop is all like "Ponify 0.96 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 3.6.22." And the newest V of Firefox wont download...
Can Anypony help me? 1 December 2011 at 12:43
thanks. 14 December 2011 at 08:47
-support for wildcards: any character, one character, end of word
- export/import word list
also would love to use it on android 29 January 2012 at 15:57
finger(s) - hoof(ves)
thumb(s) - hoof(ves)
arm(s) - leg(s) OR front leg(s)
toe(s) - hoof(ves)
butt(s) - flank(s)
fingerprint(s) - hoofprint(s)
fingerpaint(s, ed, ing) - hoofpaint(s, ed, ing)
firefox - firepony OR firefilly
childish - foalish
childishly - foalishly
Christmas - Hearth's Warming
Valentine's Day - Hearts and Hooves Day
lady - filly (only the plural form is in there, not the singular)
nay - neigh
handshake(s) - hoofshake(s)
madman(men) - madpony(ies)
fingering(s) - hoofing(s)
footing(s) - hoofing(s)
foothold(s) - hoofhold(s)
leg(s) - hind leg(s) OR back leg(s)
Also, instead of "money - bits", how about "dollar(s) - bits(s)"?
One more thing, if you put in a word, and a phrase with that word in it, it will only change the word and ignore the rest of the phrase. For example, if I put in "I am smart - We are cool" and "smart - dumb" it will change smart to dumb EVERYWHERE, including the phrase that the other one was supposed to change, so I wind up with "I am dumb". Not really too major of an issue, as there are ways around it, but it is rather annoying.
Hope this helps! 15 February 2012 at 12:47
After leopardizing the internet I stumbled over some restrictions of your otherwise fabulous code-crafted addon:
- substitution of words containing umlauts (äüö) does not work. Perhaps other non-standard characters are also affected?
- two-way changing of two words seems not to work. (e.g. changing human -> pony and changing pony -> human at the same time) 19 March 2012 at 13:47
chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ponify/kaelfbndbnpddlehfmbhjnphpjljegae
Firefox: http://lh.rs/b78o7AWIzwWZ
Chrome: http://lh.rs/qkSp7S3mRdg2
Opera: http://lh.rs/454myIyNT5px
Userscript: http://lh.rs/WOXJTqDoXZ7v
12 January 2013 at 20:20
It looks like perfect script :3 6 March 2013 at 01:52
Useful Link-Firefox not working
Thanks 21 March 2013 at 01:53
I can't live without Ponify anymore.
please give us Ponify for Android, master.
and replacement list save function. 1 April 2013 at 13:14
the web and on internet I found this site as a finest web site
for latest updates.
Feel free to surf to my blog: source 4 June 2013 at 06:25
If you decide to use Ponify to change your name to a pony name (i.e. my name to Twilight Sparkle), DISABLE PONIFY FOR ANY WEBSITES THAT REQUIRE PAYMENT INFORMATION.
My dad decided to go on Amazon using my computer account and my browser and his order declined because it was to be sent to and paid by "Edward Sparkle". It's funny, but it's also embarrassing at the same time. XD 4 June 2013 at 14:10
But I actually came here not only to thank you, but to ask you if there's been any problems when trying to use it with the latest version of firefox, since it's happening to me. It just won't download.
And I would really love to use this. Anyways, thanks again for the amazing idea. 14 August 2013 at 21:49
fist bump = brohoof
poison = salt
poison oak = poison joke
ass = flank
sonic boom = sonic rainboom
5 March 2014 at 03:59
I'm currently unable to access it... :c 26 June 2014 at 11:45
And if the author can't put it in the Chrome Store, pls don't bug them about it. This post was made in 2011 so I assume the author has moved on. I heard Chrome charges authors too to put their works in the store so keeping on asking about it seems a little rude. 20 September 2015 at 16:57
Howcome this extension can' be added to the chrome store? it would be so awesome. I was going to make some screenshots showing it off like "Just gonna get this set up again in preparation for the new episode" haha. but it seems it's not working. 14 April 2017 at 19:53
I have a video demonstrating this (I originally made it under the impression that it was Google's fault, so ignore the notepad test to show it wasn't my computer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyL_BLHOoQY 23 May 2017 at 18:29
You can customize its substitution list, and it has options for underlining or highlighting substitutions.
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